At 11:07pm on Wednesday, December 14th she had her first sweet black & white female puppy who weighed 202grams. At 11:12pm, weighing 206g, number two was born. She is also a black & white puppy with adorably tan cheeks and eyebrows. Number 3 came into the world at 11:43pm. A huge (213g) black and white girl with splotches on her back that looked like angel wings when she was first born.
At 12:09am a beautiful little (202g) tri colored girl was born. Her spots are very unique with the ones on her head and one on her back being half brown and half black. Maui’s tiniest little one was born next at 12:22am, an adorable black and white 160g female whose markings look like she’s wearing pants! The final gorgeous female puppy was born at 1:06am, weighing 192g and also black and white.
So, if you’ve been keeping track that makes 3 puppies born on the 14th, 3 puppies born on the 15th and ALL females!! Since this was such an unusual scenario for us I’ve decided to go with the theme Rare Flowers.
***More Updates to come***
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